The KAIST Art Museum is committed to fostering a fulfilling life through innovative thought by affording every constituent the opportunity to appreciate and engage with the arts.

  • 'Future Museum' as a leading university center dedicated to fostering scientific talent, advancing science and technology research through national policies, and emphasizing the values of scholarly inquiry, education, and artistic expression, while enhancing collaborative networks.
  • To create a global art research center that transcends the boundaries between artistic genres, fostering innovative artistic experiments through the fusion of art and technology, and societal engagement. We aim to nurture a space where these experiments flourish and evolve into diverse cultural expressions, shaping the future of art.
  • To contribute to the enhancement of quality of life by fulfilling the cultural desires of local residents to enjoy culture in their communities and daily lives.
미술관 소개

KAIST 미술관은 KAIST 구성원, 지역 사회는 물론 국제적인 예술가들과의 다양한 협력을 통해, 학생들의 창의력 증진, 인문·사회 교양 축적, 융합 교육을 위한 예술·문화적 DNA를 확보하는 데 일조할 것입니다. 더불어 창의적인 발상과 삶의 즐거움을 영위하기 위한 지원과 다양한 수요에 맞춰 예술 경험의 장벽을 낮추기 위해 노력하고자 합니다.

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